How Japanese Bamboo Helped Edison Make The Light Bulb

May 17, 2019

Thomas Alva Edison's invention, or shall we say “perfection”, of the light bulb helped brighten up homes of people all across the world,...

The World’s Oldest Printed Book

May 17, 2019

The Diamond Sutra is an ancient Buddhist sermon that generation of Buddhists have memorized and chanted since at least the fifth century. T...

The Talking Statues of Rome

May 15, 2019

For the past five hundred years, the people of Rome have voiced their resentment against the authorities through a unique medium—short compo...

The Goliath Transmitter

May 14, 2019

Communication with submarines is difficult because radio waves do not easily travel through salt water. The obvious solution is to surface ...

The Ice Block Expedition of 1959

May 13, 2019

In the autumn of 1959, a 3-ton block of ice made an 8,500 kilometer journey on the back of a pickup truck from the edge of the Arctic Circl...

Gustave Doré’s Victorian London

May 10, 2019

Our visual image of Victorian London is largely fixated on its sordidness—cramped streets, dark alleys, desolate slums, overcrowding, and i...

The Cranes of River Clyde

May 10, 2019

A giant cantilever crane looms over a car park adjacent to the Hilton Garden Inn at Glasgow City. During its heydays, this crane used to lo...

Operation Sailor Hat

May 9, 2019

On the coast of Kahoʻolawe, the smallest of the eight main volcanic islands of Hawaiian, is a large crater left behind by a violent test con...

Cycling Through Water

May 8, 2019

Through a large pond in the De Wijers nature reserve in Limburg, Belgium, runs a cycling lane that goes right through the waters instead of ...

The Lost Tomb of Genghis Khan

May 7, 2019

The death of Genghis Khan is shrouded in secrecy. The Great Khan died in the summer of 1227, during a campaign against the Tanguts, along t...