The Building That Steals Your Body Heat

Mar 15, 2019

More than a quarter million commuters pass through the Stockholm Central Station everyday, unaware that their bodies are being tapped for e...

The World’s Most Inland Lighthouse

Mar 13, 2019

Of all the lighthouses in the world, none was built further from the body of water it lit than the one on top of Bidston Hill, on the Irish ...

What Grandmas Around The World Cook

Mar 12, 2019

I love photography projects that explore different cultures of the world—like Julian Germain’s photos of classrooms from various countries ,...

Salt Domes And Salt Glaciers of Iran

Mar 12, 2019

Million of years ago, the Persian Gulf was a much larger body of water than it is today, inundating large sections of the Arabian peninsula...

The Cactus That Crawls Across The Desert

Mar 12, 2019

The narrow peninsula of Baja California Sur, sticking into the central Pacific off Mexico’s west coast, is home to a unique species of cactu...

The Arsonist Who Set Fire to an Ancient Wonder of The World So That People Would Remember Him

Mar 9, 2019

On the night of July 21, 356 BCE, two important events took place in the Mediterranean Basin. One created history, the other erased it. On ...

Stolpersteine: The ‘Stumbling Stones’ of Holocaust Victims

Mar 8, 2019

With hundreds of things to see in Berlin, few tourists pay attention to what lies under their feet. The barely four inch by four inch blocks...

The Catholic Church Built by a Muslim Emperor

Mar 7, 2019

The city of Agra on the banks of Yamuna is a historical city full of monuments from the Mughal period, of which the Taj Mahal is one of the ...

Earthquake Rose

Mar 7, 2019

On February 28, 2001, an earthquake of magnitude 6.8 rocked the US state of Washington cracking sidewalks, toppling buildings, and causing s...

Lunatic Express: The Railway That Gave Birth to Kenya

Mar 5, 2019

More than a hundred years ago, before Europeans had set foot on what is now Kenya, a tribal prophet named Kimnyole spoke of a vicious “iron...