Witch Windows of Vermont

Feb 19, 2019

Photo credit: Larry Lamsa/Flickr An architectural oddity found only in the US state of Vermont is the so-called “witch window”. These are ...

Water Powered Funiculars

Feb 19, 2019

Funiculars are an odd mode of transport, but at the same time, they are one of the most energy-efficient one. The system consist of two coun...

The Bolivian Clock That Runs Backwards

Feb 18, 2019

The building that houses Bolivia’s legislative assembly in Plaza Murillo, in central La Paz, features a clock above the entrance that looks ...

European Trees With The Most Interesting Stories

Feb 18, 2019

The Environmental Partnership Association (EPA) is seeking votes from the public to help them select the winner of the European Tree of the...

Cemetery Guns And Coffin Torpedoes

Feb 16, 2019

This unusual-looking gun, now exhibited at the Museum of Mourning Art in Arlington Cemetery, once kept body snatchers away from cemetery gr...

Yasukuni Shrine, Where War Criminals Are Revered

Feb 15, 2019

The Imperial Shrine of Yasukuni, in Chiyoda, Tokyo, is a beautiful spiritual place for remembering those who died in service for Japan. As m...

Shin's Tricycle

Feb 13, 2019

Behind a glass case at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is a battered and rusted tricycle. The seat is missing, and so are the pedals an...

When Little Boys Wore Dresses

Feb 12, 2019

Until about a century ago, in the western world, you couldn’t tell whether a young child was a girl or a boy from the way he or she dressed....

Edwin Smith Papyrus: The 3,600-Year-Old Textbook of Surgery

Feb 11, 2019

In 1862, an American Egyptologist named Edwin Smith bought an ancient scroll of papyrus from an Egyptian dealer. Smith didn’t know how to re...

Historic Watercolors Document How The World Was Before Photography

Feb 11, 2019

Before there were cameras, people documented how the world and its inhabitants looked like through paintings. Oil on canvas was the medium o...