The Great Wall of China Hoax

Jan 16, 2019

“Fake news” is a new term, but lies and propaganda is as old as written history, spread by individuals to aggrandize oneself or smear the pu...

The Gable Stones of Amsterdam

Jan 16, 2019

Before Amsterdam had house numbering, they had a curious way of identifying addresses. Each house and building in the city used to have a st...

Congreve Rolling Ball Clock

Jan 9, 2019

In the early 19th century, an Englishman named Sir William Congreve invented an unusual clock that kept time using balls rolling down an inc...

China’s Misguided War Against Sparrows

Jan 8, 2019

These panel of images from the late 1950s China, depicting young boys hunting sparrows for sport, were taken from a poster aimed at school ...

A Short History of Showering

Jan 8, 2019

Personal hygiene hasn’t always been an integral part of grooming, yet the need to clean oneself easily and quickly was as pressing in ancien...

Cascata delle Marmore: A Man-Made Waterfalls Created by Ancient Romans

Jan 7, 2019

About 8 kilometers east from the city of Terni, in the Umbria region of Italy, is a beautiful three-tiered waterfalls called Cascata delle M...

Forma Urbis: Rome’s Giant Marble Map

Jan 7, 2019

A modern illustration of the Temple of Peace with Forma Urbis, the giant map of Rome, on the wall. At the Roman Forum in the center of Rom...

SS Warrimoo: The Ship That Missed New Year’s Eve But Gained Two Centuries

Jan 4, 2019

The story that follows supposedly happened more than a hundred years ago on the eve of New Year. It spanned two centuries, yet was over in a...

The Photographers Who Braved Mount St. Helens

Jan 3, 2019

When Mount St. Helens erupted in the morning of May 18, 1980, a freelance photographer named Robert Landsberg was within four miles of the s...

Walt Disney’s Backyard Railway: The Carolwood Pacific Railroad

Jan 2, 2019

Even before Walt Disney drew up plans for the first Disneyland Park, he knew what to include in it—a rideable miniature railroad. Indeed, he...