The Paradox of Prince Rupert's Drop

Nov 12, 2018

Prince Rupert's drop is a glass artifact that exhibits two properties that are the exact opposite of each other—they are extremely tough...

The Mystery of Lady Dai’s Preserved Mummy

Nov 10, 2018

Believe it or not, this grotesque figure is considered to be one of the world’s best preserved mummies. While her face looks swollen and de...

Dhanushkodi: The Ghost Town Ravaged By Cyclone

Nov 9, 2018

In the middle of Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka is a small elongated island called Pamban, and it's connected to the Indian pen...

Dutch Prisons Are Being Converted Into Hotels And Apartments Because of Lack of Prisoners

Nov 8, 2018

The Netherlands has a problem with prisons and prisoners, just like any other country. But while the rest of the world is struggling with ov...

ATLAS-I: The Cold War-Era Facility That Tested The Effects of EMP on Military Aircraft

Nov 7, 2018

Flying in and out of Albuquerque, in New Mexico, the United States, one can catch a glimpse of a gigantic wooden trestle standing in the mid...

The Buried Village of Al Madam

Nov 7, 2018

About two kilometers south-west of Al Madam, a small town along the old Dubai-Hatta road, is a spooky little abandoned settlement. It was on...

Brine Pools: The Underwater Lakes of Despair

Nov 5, 2018

Just like there are waterfalls underneath oceans , there can be lakes on seabed too. One is kept separate from the surrounding body of wate...

Letters of Utrecht: The Endless Poem

Nov 3, 2018

In the Dutch city of Utrecht, a poem is growing—one letter at a time, every week, for the past six years. Every Saturday, at around one in...

Killer Wasps And Zombie Cockroaches

Nov 2, 2018

The emerald jewel wasp is a deadly and venomous insect, like all wasps are. Their sting can be excruciatingly painful for humans. Neverthele...

Beijing’s Underground City

Nov 1, 2018

One of the entrance to the Underground City in Beijing. Photo credit: Scott Sherrill-Mix/Flickr In the late 1950s, relation between the tw...