Diolkos: An Ancient Trackway That Carried Ships Over Land

Sep 12, 2018

In ancient times, Greek merchants sailed all around the Mediterranean Sea carrying goods from Spain to Phoenicia and from Carthage to Egypt ...

The War of The Bucket

Sep 11, 2018

In a way, all wars are stupid—but none was stupider than the Battle of Zappolino that was waged over a silly wooden bucket. The War of the ...

The Glass Fishing Floats of Japan And Norway

Sep 10, 2018

Every year, Oregon’s Lincoln City, on the west coast of the United States, organizes a treasure hunt where more than 3,000 handcrafted glass...

Guillame Legros’s Ephemeral Landart

Sep 8, 2018

These gigantic graffiti artworks spray-painted over the fields and the hillside were made by Swiss artist Guillame Legros, who goes by the n...

Inemuri, The Japanese Art of Sleeping at Work

Sep 8, 2018

In most countries sleeping at work is not only embarrassing, it might even cost one’s job. But in Japan, sleeping in the office is common an...

Dr. Charles Campbell And His Malaria-Fighting Bat Towers

Sep 7, 2018

Sixty years ago the United States took upon itself a challenge—eradicate malaria from the entire country, all 3.8 million square miles of it...

Moldova’s Underground Wine City

Sep 6, 2018

The tiny landlocked country of Moldova in Eastern Europe is one of Europe’s poorest. “The roads are a bone-shaking ordeal. Horses haul carts...

The Miniature Coffins of Arthur’s Seat

Sep 5, 2018

At the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh are a set of eight miniature coffins carved in wood and decorated with tinned iron. Each cof...

Xiaohe: A 4000-Year-Old Desert Cemetery

Sep 5, 2018

In the far eastern edge of the desolate Taklamakan Desert, hundreds of kilometers from the nearest settlement, a clump of dense wooden stake...

The Most Kissed Girl in The World: The Mona Lisa of The Seine

Sep 1, 2018

Sometime in the late 19th century, the body of a young woman was fished out of the Seine River in Paris. Because there was no evidence of vi...