Moldova’s Underground Wine City

Sep 6, 2018

The tiny landlocked country of Moldova in Eastern Europe is one of Europe’s poorest. “The roads are a bone-shaking ordeal. Horses haul carts...

The Miniature Coffins of Arthur’s Seat

Sep 5, 2018

At the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh are a set of eight miniature coffins carved in wood and decorated with tinned iron. Each cof...

Xiaohe: A 4000-Year-Old Desert Cemetery

Sep 5, 2018

In the far eastern edge of the desolate Taklamakan Desert, hundreds of kilometers from the nearest settlement, a clump of dense wooden stake...

The Most Kissed Girl in The World: The Mona Lisa of The Seine

Sep 1, 2018

Sometime in the late 19th century, the body of a young woman was fished out of the Seine River in Paris. Because there was no evidence of vi...

The Mail That Was Smuggled to The Moon

Aug 30, 2018

A lot of objects flew to the moon and back aboard NASA’s Saturn rocket. During the Apollo missions and those before that, astronauts were al...

Hungary’s Hyperinflation: The Worst Case of Inflation in History

Aug 29, 2018

The amount of Bolivars needed to buy 2.4 kg of chicken in Venezuela today. Photo credit: Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters The economic situa...

Alberta’s War on Rats

Aug 28, 2018

The brown rat is an extremely invasive species—a pest, that survive on human-produced garbage, usually, but often times this nasty rodent ...

The Hunger Stones of The Elbe River

Aug 27, 2018

A record drought in Europe this year has exposed over a dozen boulders along the Elbe River, that usually stays below the water line, in an...

The Gigantic Wine Barrel of Heidelberg

Aug 27, 2018

In a cellar under the Heidelberg Castle, in the German town of Heidelberg, sits a gigantic wooden keg. It’s the world’s largest wine barrel ...

The Island Named After A Satellite

Aug 25, 2018

Satellite imagery, made available to the public through applications such as Google Earth and Google Maps, have allowed anybody with a compu...