Walter Potter's Museum of Curiosities

Dec 7, 2011

Walter Potter was a nineteenth century English taxidermist noted for his anthropomorphic dioramas featuring stuffed animals mimicking human ...

Kim Keever’s Miniature Landscapes Inside Fish Tanks

Dec 6, 2011

Artist Kim Keever creates beautiful landscape photographs by building elaborate dioramas in a 200 gallon tank, flooding the tank, and photo...

Winners of UPrinting Business Card Giveaway

Dec 3, 2011

On November 11, we published a competition for three sets of business cards courtesy of The competition has ended and it is ...

‘Social Lights’ by Seymour Templar

Dec 2, 2011

Social Lights is a project by Brooklyn–based photographer Seymour Templar where he documents New York social life and individuals interacti...

Ted Sabarese’s Photos of People And The Fish They Look Like

Dec 2, 2011

Ted Sabarese shoots people. All kinds of people, but especially relishes working with non-professional models and actors who don’t fit the ...

Paintings and Sketches by Ivan Alifan

Dec 2, 2011

Ivan Alifan is a talented artist currently residing in Canada and son of the Russian painter Anna Razumovskaya. Here’s what Ivan has to say...

Princess Juliana Airport and Maho Beach

Dec 1, 2011

Maho Beach is located on the Dutch side of the Caribbean island of Saint Martin. If you love watching airplanes takeoff and land, this shoul...

Oradour-sur-Glane: The Village Massacred in WW2 and Preserved Since Then

Nov 29, 2011

On 10 June 1944, at around 2 PM, four days after the Allied invasion of Normandy, approximately 150 Waffen-SS soldiers entered the tranquil ...

Edward Burtynsky’s Photos of Industrial Landscapes

Nov 29, 2011

Edward Burtynsky is a Canadian photographer and artist who has achieved international recognition for his large-format photographs of indus...

Frieke Janssens’s Controversial Photos of Smoking Kids

Nov 28, 2011

A few months ago smoking was banned in all public places in Belgium. Photographer Frieke Janssens responded with “surrealistic, melancholic...