Limes Arabicus, The Chain of Fortifications That Protected The Roman Territory From Desert Tribes
When we talk about "limes", we usually think of the limits of the Roman Empire in northern Europe, in Germania or Britain. But in ...
When we talk about "limes", we usually think of the limits of the Roman Empire in northern Europe, in Germania or Britain. But in ...
Many monks and hermits go to great lengths to deny themselves of simple pleasures in order to atone their sins and pursue spiritual goals. S...
One of the main characteristics of the most important cities of Antiquity in the Hellenistic kingdoms, first, and in the Roman territories o...
Civilization is said to have begun independently across the world at six sites, dubbed the “cradle of civilization. Two of these are in the ...
The norias of the ancient Syrian city of Hama are seventeen historic waterwheels located along the Orontes River that date back to the Byzan...
Scattered across the vast Limestone Massif, in the northwest of Syria, between the Orontes and Afrin Rivers to the west and the Aleppo/Hama ...
As war rages on in Syria, it’s only the people that refugee camps could provide protection to. The homes, the cities, the culture and the hi...
Ever since man learned to grow their own food and rear cattle, they have been living in permanent to semi-permanent settlements with certain...