The Red Ball Express

Sep 21, 2023

During World War II, one of the most significant logistical challenges faced by the Allied forces during their invasion of Europe was ensuring a steady flow of essential supplies like food, fuel, and ammunition to sustain their troops. The rapid advance of American forces into France hinged on their ability to secure these vital resources. Complicating matters, the Allied bombing campaign had rendered the railway network unusable, preventing its use by the Germans but also hindering the Allies' own supply efforts. Additionally, access to key ports in France and Belgium had not yet been secured, which meant that ships couldn't dock and unload supplies directly. As a result, the majority of the required fuel, provisions, and ammunition had to be offloaded at the French port of Cherbourg in Normandy and then transported via truck over narrow rural roads to the American supply depots in the Chartres—La Loupe—Dreux region.

The Red Ball Express. Photo credit: National Archives USA

To solve the supply dilemma, American commanders devised what they called the "Red Ball" truck route, named after the red markers typically used to denote priority express trains in the United States. This route was designed as a one-way express highway loop exclusively dedicated to supply trucks. It was clearly marked with red balls and warning signs, indicating that other vehicles should avoid using it. However, despite these precautions, other military and civilian vehicles often ignored the signage, leading to disruptions and delays.

The original routes ran from Cherbourg to Chartres, but later extensions stretched as far as Sommesous and Soissons. At its peak, this convoy system operated with 6,000 vehicles, facilitating the delivery of approximately 12,500 tons of supplies daily. The urgency of keeping the front lines well-supplied meant that these convoys ran non-stop, operating around the clock. The majority of the drivers on the Red Ball Express were African-American servicemen, and not all of them had prior experience as truck drivers. Nevertheless, the exigency of the situation required them to step into this new role.

Map of the Red Ball Express. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Red Ball Express drivers often worked in pairs to complete the grueling 54-hour round trip from Cherbourg to Chartres. The trucks traversed designated one-way roads exclusively reserved for their convoys, with military policemen stationed at intersections to ensure uninterrupted progress. Initially, the plan called for trucks to maintain a speed of 25 miles per hour, spaced at 60-yard intervals and escorted by jeeps. However, in reality, the trucks frequently ran alone, departing Cherbourg immediately upon loading and racing at speeds exceeding 60 miles per hour to reach the forward supply depots, even in blackout conditions. To evade detection and attack by German planes during nighttime journeys, the trucks' headlights were fitted with 'cat-eye' covers, which made driving challenging and perilous. Additionally, truck drivers had to navigate around landmines, snipers, as well as hazardous shrapnel and barbed wire that posed a constant threat to their tires. Accidents and fatigue were ever-present challenges.

The Red Ball Express ceased operations after American forces captured the port of Antwerp. During the 82 days of its operation, the convoy successfully transported over 412,000 tons of fuel, ammunition, and equipment to 28 different divisions. The Red Ball Express’s success led to the establishment of several other similar convoy systems throughout France when the need arose.

Corporal Charles H. Johnson of the 783rd Military Police Battalion, waves on a "Red Ball Express" motor convoy rushing priority materiel to the forward areas, near Alençon, France. Photo credit: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration

Tanker trucks of the 3990th Quartermaster (Transportation Corps) Truck Company on the Red Ball Express. Photo credit: United States Army Signal Corps

An American truck convoy halts at a makeshift service station 7 September 1944 for servicing and a change of drivers near Saint Denis, France. Photo credit: US Army

Trucks from different units draw cans of gasoline 7 February 1945 from one of the storage fields in the quartermaster depot. After the five-gallon “jerricans” were washed, they were refilled from tankers on the beachheads and returned to the quartermaster depot. Photo credit: US Army

A Diamond T M20 12-ton truck and M9 trailer loaded with ammunition roars through a destroyed French town as part of a Red Ball Express convoy, France, 1944. Photo credit: US Army

A Red Ball Express truck gets stuck in the mud. Photo credit: US Army

U.S. drivers nap or relax on boxes of ammunition and other equipment 10 October 1944 during the delivery of supplies to a forward area in France. Photo credit: US Army

A road patrol wrecker (right) pulls an overturned truck back on its wheels circa 1944 to haul it to the nearest heavy-automotive maintenance depot along the Red Ball Express route in the European theater of operations. Damaged trucks were repaired at once and put back into service. If a truck was damaged beyond repair, it was immediately replaced. Photo credit: US Army

Soldiers load trucks with combat rations in preparation for a convoy to the front line 21 December 1944 in the European theater of operations. Photo credit: US Army


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