Guillame Legros’s Ephemeral Landart

Sep 8, 2018

These gigantic graffiti artworks spray-painted over the fields and the hillside were made by Swiss artist Guillame Legros, who goes by the name Saype.

Legros uses biodegradable paint, which he prepares himself out of linseed oil, water and flour, mixed with natural pigments. The paint lasts only about a month, but can fade away sooner depending on factors such as the amount of rain and how fast the grass grows.

One of his largest artwork depicting a gentleman clad in a fedora and suspenders, smoking a pipe and gazing into the distance, was made on the grassy hilltops of Leysin, Switzerland in 2016. It measured 14,000 square meters.


Like many contemporary artists, Guillame Legros begins with a photograph of his subject and makes a field reconnaissance with his team. With painstaking precision, Legros and his team makes a grid on the ground by planting stakes, and then starts painting the pictures one grid at a time, checking his progress from the air using a drone to figure out if corrections were needed. On average, a portrait of this scale needs three months to finish and uses 650 liters of paint.









via Weburbanist

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