East Meets West in China’s New Hybrid Building

Dec 5, 2015

In the past few years, China’s replica business has gone beyond fake Puma shoes and mobile phones. The country is now making headlines with replica landmarks from around the world. London’s iconic Tower Bridge, the Sphinx from Egypt, Paris’s Louvre Museum, St. Peter’s Basilica of Vatican, the Sydney Opera House and the Colosseum are just a few of the landmarks Chinese residents can see without leaving their country. Recently, a new replica was completed in the northern city of Shijiazhuang. This unique building is not one but two landmarks fused into one.

Half of the structure is a copy of Beijing's Temple of Heaven, but the other half is the whitewashed US Capitol building. The structure is four-stories high and stands in the grounds of the New Great Wall International movie studio on the outskirts of the city. The one-of-a-kind building is expected to feature in a number of movies and TV shows in the future. The hybrid building has already attracted plenty of visitors and earned thousands of comments on social media.


Photo credit: China Central Television


One half looks like Beijing’s Temple of Heaven. Photo credit: China Central Television


The other half looks like Washington DC's Capitol Hill building. Photo credit: China Central Television


Photo credit: Reuters/Stringer


The interior of a building is also split in half. Photo credit: Reuters/Stringer


Photo credit:  China Central Television


A replica of the Sphinx is seen through a door on a building. Photo credit: Reuters/Stringer

via BBC


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