Mina, The City of Tents

Aug 5, 2014

Mina is a small city located inside a low lying valley in the province of Makkh, in western Saudi Arabia, about 8 km to the east of the Holy city of Mecca. Inside the 20 square km valley, tents cover every open space, as far as the eye can see, neatly arranged, row after row. It is in these tents Hajj pilgrims stay overnight during the five days of each Haj season. For the rest of the year, Mina remains pretty much deserted.

There are more than 100,000 air-conditioned tents in Mina providing temporary accommodation to 3 million pilgrims. The tents measure 8 meters by 8 meters and are constructed of fiberglass coated with Teflon in order to ensure high resistance to fire. Originally pilgrims brought their own tents which they would erect in the flat plains of Mina. After Hajj is over, the tents would be dismantled, everything packed and taken back. Then sometime in the 1990s, the Saudi government installed permanent cotton tents relieving pilgrims of the burden of having to carry their own camping equipment. But after a massive fire that swept through the tent city killing nearly 350 pilgrims in 1997, the current permanent fire-proof city was built.


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The tents are segregated into several camps, each of which possesses its own exterior wall, and is connected to other camps by pathways. Each camp is equipped with a kitchen, bathrooms, and ablution facilities. Every tent is color-coded by country and numbered, and all the haajis are supposed to have badges with their color and number on it, in case they get lost.

In the last two years, the city underwent a massive change with the government investing billions of riyals into many infrastructural projects to ease the daunting and physically demanding rituals of the annual pilgrimage. A comprehensive fire safety network consisting of heat-sensitive water sprinkler are linked to an alarm system was implemented to prevent repeat the tragedy of 1997.


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Source: Wikipedia / Arabnews / Sunni Forum


  1. And each with its own a/c...amazing...

    1. Yeah - but those aren't 'AC' air conditioner systems - they're 'swamp coolers' where water's sprayed through a fibrous pad, cooling the air as it evaporates. Much less power and maintenance intensive than the same sort of AC used in hot, humid climates. They work quite well where the humidity is low as in the desert.

  2. This could host a fair amount of Syrian refugees the rest of the year, isn't it?

    1. I find it hard to believe that muslims are not helping each other. Its disgraceful.

    2. my country caused war? you mean Germany caused war in Syria, Iraq, Afganistan and wherever all these millions of people come from? Now Germany is supposed to receive 100 million people and commit suicide?
      why don't you swim to america

  3. to be kicked out once the Mecca starts?

    1. but they are Muslim, Muslims should take care of their own people

    2. Why? When offering space for 100,000 refugees that would be: 1 person per tent! That is manageable.

    3. The pilgrims who make the long trek to pay homage, need only to share a tent for 5 days, to show some kindness to their own, who are going through a tremendously difficult period in their lives, through no fault of theirs. After the Haj, people pack their bags and return home, these refugees can then stay on and look after the place, you know, the whole tent city can be maintained for little cost, perhaps by just food alone. I'm sure that within their ranks, you'll have qualified carpenters, electricians, plumbers etc., so maintenance costs can be reduced to a minimum. A good safe and clean place to raise their children. What a wonderful gesture in how the Saudi Government can show bonhomie and at the same time, improve their standing in the eyes of this much troubled world and improvement in International relations, which is long overdue.....I make this call to all the Saudi princes; Politics aside, please show your fellow Muslims the compassion they desperately seek at this unbelievably tortuous time, as they battle the mind numbing prospect in seeking shelter. Please open your Tents in Mina city, as Allah himself would surely smile upon those that would....

  4. Any religion would allow it's followers not to make the sacred journey temporary, for the sake of those refugees' faith.

    Now they have to make dangerous boat trips, and arrive in countries that is totally different from their own culture and also climate. And they also have to stay in... camps.... there are already difficulties to host all those people. And the people's resistance, fed by the populist media, is growing and growing. And it is getting to a point, that they become right.

    I think it is a great idea, for such a huge problem. That no one ever thought about that before. If it is a cost-issue, which I can hardly imagine in Saudi Arabia, think the Western governments, is happy to chip in.

    But for some reason, I have the feeling my logic is too naive and trustful; somehow it doesn't and won't happen (otherwise it would already been done I guess)

  5. Imagine how many refugees could be housed here.

    1. There is enough accommodation to house 3 million people. Look at the pictures. Those tents are HUGE - they are fire proof, have AC and kitchens....!!!! You should also google the empty cities in China - there's a bunch of those too, at least 600 just sitting there without a single resident. Yet notice how the Saudis and Chinese are keeping quiet and not offering to taken in a single refugee.

    2. China's empty cities - are a myth. It is all stories made on half truths and half baked lies. In reality they are cities that are in the middle of development. The city of Shenzhen (pop:7 million) would have once been said to be a "empty city" - when it was being developed. (http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2015/04/21/the-myth-of-chinas-ghost-cities/)Why would China with over 1.4 billion people living in a crowded land be taking in people that have zero connection and a war she has played no part in making it? The Chinese knows that these are people who can never integrate into their society; and would pose endless problems for as long as they remains MUSLIMS. Why look at China? they should send them to either Islamic countries who can integrate the people or to those that are bombing and fighting there (Australia, France, England, SAUDI ARABIA, IRAN, ....).

  6. Sheeze..how many refugees could be housed...?

    1. There is a saying, "you break it you own it". Your country spread democracy now you carry the fruit of "democracy and freedom" in forms of refugee crisis. Understand Mr. Docile euro?

  7. Wow and why must these remain only for pilgrims? people need these

  8. Disgusting. Saudi Arabia should do more to house the millions of Syrian's being displaced by this conflict.

  9. If they accept no refugees, nuke Saudi Arabia.

    1. Ha once you launch a nuke towards them the'll launch a nuke towards you and before you know it fallout has become a reality!

  10. Saudi understands bringing in a lot of angry young men is a risk...

  11. Anybody thought about it many European and US citizens went to war in Syria and to support ISIS. Most of them are muslims whose families found work and started living in these Western Countries. But after a generation they don't consider themselves as the citizen of the nation where they were born, had education etc. but only as a "muslim" and their muslim brothers need their help and they move on to conflict areas to do the war. And in future after one generation even Syrians would blame Europe and US and forget even if they become kind with them and provide the asylum. Because further generations would never consider them as European but only Muslim and this theory of Muslim brotherhood would never end. They don't understand if they were having really brotherhood why Saudi and other rich Muslim nations don't help refugees. But they fund lot of muslim societies around the world and waste money for their own luxury. Where is the brotherhood?

  12. Who is my brother's keeper? They are strangers in a strange land, after being abandoned by their extended families and neighbors. Don't they all call Abraham their father? The same God that see's each sparrow that falls is recording how His precious children are treated. "Oh we built places of worship", as His people were struggling outside in the cold rain homeless, without their most basic needs being met, leaves God to say "I never knew you". He can't open His home to those that won't open their homes.

  13. Europe has reached this level of development with great effort and sacrifice. Two world wars have taken the lives of over 30 million people. To live in this world which we have given their lives, have lost loved ones, we have fought for their rights and freedom. Why these people do not fight for rights and freedom, for a better life in their home countries? Europeans Are most stupid? Bulgaria was under Ottoman robdstvo to 1878, it was only 137 years ago and people still remember how they rolled on the ground the heads of Christians. Humanity. Let us fight for their rights in their home countries. Escape is no solution .... I apologize for bad English.

  14. those are evaporative coolers not air conditioners.

    1. in the ultra low humidity the evaporation process cools very nicely.

  15. Refugees do not want to come here. they know that these places are holy places for Muslims. they will come for Hajj. If EU and US warmongers keep out of Syria there will be no refugees and other middle East countries too.

  16. who is using barrel bombs against the syrian citizens ?

  17. Agree with these ignorant morons on this blog commenting that Saudi shld/cld accommodate tens of thousands of refugees. Saudi Arabia will only help the Syrians if they were ruled by a state legitimately voted into power by democratic means. But unfortunately the crypto - Jews ruling Saudi oppress their own people, are tyrants, fund ISIS ( which stand for Israeli security Intelligence service - a Zionist creation, hence they are not Muslim and worse than the Israeli Nazis. I suggest the ignoramuses commenting on this blog shld take some time reading alternative news about Saudi arabia,ISIS, Islam and not be brainwashed by the Zionist Jewish media. If Muslims must help Muslims (which I agree) then surely these Christian fanatics have no reason to keep out of the USA the millions of Christians wanting to come from Mexico, Central America, and Africa. Please Christians open your doors to your Mexican brothers - their are 50 milion of them who would like to come- they can just walk over the border. In any case most of the Southern sates of America was stolen from Mexico.

  18. The refugees are flocking to the lands of the infidel. Surely, their Muslim brothers would help and give them asylum! Why does the West have some obligation to take them? They don't belong in the West.

    1. And you exported wars to their lands is something that supposed to happen? reprecussions should be in people's mind.

      These "freedom loving" westerners didn't mind bombing 6 countries in last 10 years, now karma has bitten back. Enjoy your freedom when it lasts!

  19. It is only a matter of time before a strong leader emerges and expels the Muslims from Europe. It has happened several times before and history has the habit of repeating itself. The citizens of those countries were never consulted before their governments allowed the Muslims in. If anyone questions the policy they are instantly labelled as a racist, as if that is the end of the argument. Europe is making a huge mistake that it will live to regret.

    1. it is not the tent but the environment is hostile like Alaska open space with limited fireplace heating.
      Also the unknown time frame of keeping refugees-the tents should be available to be cleaned and repaired for the next pilgrimage session-there is regular ongoing repair and cleaning year round- it appears vacant but not available for living. Again the life in a tent is not feasible for more the a few weeks-outside is hot and hostile-chance of people leaving the tent is high and may get killed with weather-please consider these facts and we hoe you will post a correction to this news

  20. Time to step back a pace or two: firstly set aside indignation which leads to rage which leads to aggressive action. Time also to step away from - not necessarily abandon - the "Good Books" which include the Bible, The Koran, and all other holy type of scriptures that might be guiding thoughts and actions. Deities on high or wherever, keep their own counsel and don't necessity force any kind of wilful actions on their flocks.

    Essentially we humans can chart our own course through the brief time spent on the planet, and as such should be free of any dogmas that suggest or command warfare of any kind. Yes there can be blame that demands retribution - but while possibly justifiable in the short term, any aggressive form of vengeance style of retribution, only perpetuates a vicious cycle that in the case of the Middle East, has persisted for at least 1000 years, and has roots that extend back another couple or so millennia.

    Leaders on either side of any given conflict, are good at manufacturing excuses to send their people to war - that's why they are leaders who rarely are exposed to the consequences of their actions. Revolutionaries usually make the mistake of tearing down the idealogical edifice they fight so hard to erect - simply by shifting the oppression practised by the overthrown to their own methods which might be no better for their people than those previously experienced. And so usually, revolution of the violent form is not an answer - merely an opportunist grab for power from "trusted" members of the community who see an easy route to power and wealth.

    This preceding comment doesn't advocate Atheism - as this is only yet another mindless evasion of clear logic - which we all are capable of. Rather, a suggestion here would be to clear the mind, and try to establish a focus on individualism as against mindless or slavish adherence to dogmatic and self serving power structures. Reform and eventual change should be priorities that remove any perceived imperative to engage in warfare of any kind - try it ... it actually works.

  21. Wake up people to what is really going on. Saudi Arabia doesn't want refugees in muslim countries, but wants them in western countries where they can multiply ( with average 7 children per family ) and vote out your government and institute theirs with sharia law. Muslim's are only peaceful when they don't have power. When they gain power you will have to convert to being a muslim or you are an infidel worthy of only death. Look at history from mohummed's beginning thru to Turkey's ottamin empire.

  22. I see lot of ill informed comments. The Mina Camp is only used ffor five days for those performing Hajj. Place for them to sleep do their daily things and pray. ter
    Then spend one afternoon in Arafat. Go back to their countries. Pilgrimage finito.
    As reagrds who is responsible for the wars,
    Why did America Britain anf France go and bomb the hell out of Libya a war which continues today. What did Libya do to these war mongering bullies.
    What did Sadam do to Britains Tony Blair the Liar and America why did they start a war there when the int Nuc agency did not find any WMD.
    And What ever did a poor country such as Afganistan do to the west that they nearly destroyed it completely and had upto 200 thousand troop.
    Can any one explain why the whole west went to Syria to start yet another war and continue to fund and support certain factions. Syria has the most ancient history and was among the first scientific culture counars agotry. They used to sell iced drinks in the streets 1200 years ago. And had piped water in Damascus.dragged the bodies of American se
    Thye Americans lost a chopper and the stupid somalis dragged bodies of US service men in the streets. Shame Shame. What was America doing there any way.
    May be the guys who thing they are brave by making comments being ignorant of the facts should go back and do some research before jumping to comments as above.
    The west sowed seed of war and spent billions of dollars destroying these Muslim countries. Now, THE WEST CREATED THESE REFUGEES NOW TAKE THEM. THOUGH SHALL REAP WHAT THOUGH SHALL SOW.


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