Pyramids of The Ancient World

Jul 31, 2014

The pyramids are certainly some of the most mesmerizing historical structures in recorded history. The fact that makes pyramids a unique attraction among the history freaks and travelers is that these structures were made in the period when there was no luxury of machines and technology support.

A pyramid is a solid structure with square shaped base and the four sides in the form of an equilateral triangle. These geometrical structures are highly stable and are primarily made of masonry or stone. These fascinating edifices were built in assorted complexities, types and sizes in the bygone eras. The different parts of the world constructed pyramids due to different reasons. The history of China and Egypt tells that these structures were made as the tombs and monuments revered to the emperors and leaders of the country. The Indians and Americans built pyramids as their religious shrines. Moreover, some of these edifices were the abode to burial chambers also. Thus, pyramids have their mark on most of the ancient cultures in the world.


Major Pyramids of the Ancient World

Almost every pyramid around the globe has its unique significance and place in the history. However, some of these structures hold a special place in the hearts of history freaks and globetrotters because of their unique and alluring traits. Let’s have a look on some of the most amazing pyramids in the world that a traveler can scout in order to come close to the primordial culture and traditions.

The Great Pyramid of Giza: Listed among the Seven Wonders of the World, the great pyramid of Giza is the oldest of such structures ever found. This structure is also known as the Pyramid of Khufu. It is believed that this tomb was constructed around 2560 BC. There are many scientific theories about the construction of this pyramid. There are three chambers inside this structure. The edifice was built on the lowest chamber, which is cut into the bedrock. The higher chambers are known as the king's chamber or the queen's chamber. It is the only Egyptian pyramid containing both the descending and ascending passages.


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Nubian Pyramids: The region of Nile Valley is known as Nubia and thus the pyramids found in that area are known as Nubian Pyramids. The emperors of ancient Kushite Reign constructed these structures. There are around 255 pyramids constructed eventually at three areas in Nubia. These three sites are El-Kurru, Nuri and Meroe. These structures were made of stepped courses of stone blocks positioned horizontally and are in elevation of six to thirty meters. Most of such edifices are temple structures.


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Pyramid of Hellinikon: Pyramid of Hellinikon is a leftover of mysterious pyramids of Ellinika, which is an ancient city of Greece. This structure is said to be the military base of that time. Other theory tells that this pyramid was built as the memorial for the martyrs of the battle. It is made up of pure rock, which does not comprise polishing. These rocks are from Mycenean era (1600 BC- 1000 BC). The pyramid served as a place of burial and was first excavated by Germans and Americans.


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Pyramids of Güímar: Pyramids of Guimar are the six structures located in the Chacona District of Guimar in Canary Islands. These structures are rectangular and terraced in shape and are made up of lava stone without taking the use of mortar. There were nine pyramids in Guimar, among which only six maintained to survive. The archeologists believe that the construction of the terraces in these structures is the result of practices of the native rural population of primeval period. These people created these edifices while clearing the stones of cultivable land and pilled the stones in the shape of terraces.


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Great Pyramid of Cholula: The great Pyramid of Cholula is also known as Tlachihualtepetl, which refers to artificial mountain. It is situated in the Cholula of Mexico. This edifice is a temple structure that is traditionally believed to be dedicated to Quetzalcoatl God. There is a slight influence of Gulf Coast in the construction of this pyramid and is closely linked to the architectural style of Teotihuacan. In the prehispanic times, this pyramid was an imperative mythical and religious center.


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Pyramid of the Sun: It is one of the largest constructions in Mesoamerica and is the largest in Teotihuacan. This pyramid is the fraction of large complex situated in the heart of city. It is positioned along the Avenue of Dead, right in the middle of Ciudadela and the Pyramid of moon. It is in the shadow of splendid Cerro Gordo Mountain. The orientation of this pyramid marks an archeological significance. It is oriented a bit towards northwest of the horizontal point related to the setting of the sun. It is believed that there was a temple on the top of the pyramid.


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Pyramid of Cestius: It is an ancient pyramid of Rome. This structure in positioned near the Protestant Cemetery and San Paolo. The research shows that this pyramid was built in the 18 BC-12 BC. It was a tomb of Gaius Cestius, who was a member of Septemviri Epulonum (one of the four great spiritual corporations in Rome). This edifice is included in the fortifications of the city; hence, it is among the best-preserved ancient constructions found in Rome. There are different historical inscriptions found on this structure.


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Srirangam Temple of India: There are pyramids found in South India that are used as pilgrimage sites today. One such example is Srirangam Temple, dedicated to Ranganatha Deity, and the largest Hindu temple in India. It is located in the Tiruchirapalli district of Tamil Nadu. The temple has 21 Gopurams (tower doorways). These gopurams are the steep pyramid structures built in the ancient era. Another fine example of pyramid construction in India is Brihadeeshwar Temple. It falls under the UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites in India. It is the first edifice that is fully made up of granite.


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This guest article was contributed by Pawan Kotiyal, an avid traveler, who likes to trudge to far-flung and lesser-explored destinations in India. Trekking and photography keeps him busy while he is out exploring the unknown destinations. He also likes to pen his travelling experience in order to help those with similar interest in traveling, trekking and photography.


  1. Where are Bosnians Pyramids from the town Visoko

    1. The hills are located near the town of Visoko, northwest of Sarajevo.

  2. Are they not still in Visoko?

  3. So far there is wide agreement that the Bosnian hills are hills, not pyramids.

    1. Though some scientists, particularly orthodox researchers, insist the "hills" at Bosnia are not pyramids but naturally formed hills, they have yet to explain the stone pavements, carved stones, and monolithic pillars which have been found within the alleged hills.

  4. The buildings mentioned in the post referring to the structures in India are not pyramids. Unlike pyramids,they are temples and places of worship. Pyramids are usually places of burial. Pyramids generally do not have any artistic works on the structure where as these temples are one of the kind in the field of artistic works.

    - JRaj


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