Pygmy Marmoset - The Smallest Monkey

Oct 22, 2013

The pygmy marmoset is a tiny primate that is native to rainforests of the western Amazon Basin in South America. At just 100 grams, the pygmy marmoset is known to be the smallest known species of monkey in the world. It averages at about 15cm in height with a 20cm long tail behind it.

The pygmy marmoset has sharp claws which make the pygmy marmoset excellent at climbing trees and the long tail of the pygmy marmoset gives this little monkey fantastic balance when jumping between tree branches. The low weight of the pygmy marmoset allows the pygmy marmoset to reach the canopy tree tops, a place where many of the larger species of monkey cannot reach. They are also able to turn their heads 180 degrees, an adaptation which allows them to scan the environment for predators while vertically clinging to a tree.


The pygmy marmoset survive on a specialized diet of tree gum. It gnaws holes in the bark of appropriate trees and vines with its specialized dentition to elicit the production of gum. When the sap puddles up in the hole, it laps it up with its tongue. It also lies in wait for insects, especially butterflies, which are attracted to the sap holes. It supplements its diet with berries, nectar and fruit.

The pygmy marmoset has been increasingly popular as an exotic pet, but they are very hard to keep. When a baby pygmy marmoset is taken away from the family it can often die quickly due to depression. Baby pygmy marmosets also need feeding every two hours for their first two weeks in the world so they can be very time-consuming pets. Pet pygmy marmosets can take a grave dislike towards their owners and some have been known to bite their owners and throw feces at them, as a form of attack.




Sources: A-Z Animals, Wikipedia


  1. No primates or other wild animals make good pets. They belong in the wild, not in peoples' homes, even if they seem to be well-behaved and trained.

    1. The only way some species will survive is if we care for them. Would you rather they go extinct or would you rather they live?

    2. I would take care of one.or some its so amazing!

  2. I agree, please leave them in the wild. Cuteness doesn't give us the right to imprison an animal for our entertainment.

  3. Sure we can! We are humans after all, we can imprison anything we like!

  4. OMG. Theye are he cutest animals in the world. I cant belive they are real and i want one. OMG. SOOOOO CUTE!!!
    Levi Spriggs

  5. I first saw these a day ago at a local flea market, yeah they are cute and what not but definitely an animal that belongs to the wild. While at the market a little granny in a wheel chair was basically slapping the cage trying to either pet or torture this lil thing. the "seller" of this lil monkey didn't seem all that concerned. hard to believe seeing as how her asking price was $4500 per monkey

  6. I love Pigmy marmosets. They are just so cute!! I wouldn't keep one as a pet though, it wouldn't be fair. If an animal is going extinct, it's ok to put it in a conservation place or a zoo, as they have enough space and can duplicate their natural habitat. But you can't do that in your house unless your a billionare.

  7. They throw poop like a disgruntle inmate.

    1. it is not all about that all animals do it

  8. No, they throw their feces as a defense mechanism...and why on earth would you want one as a pet? I tell you what, you take a baby and raise it, but take one of your children in as trade...don't like that idea? Didn't think so

  9. so cuuute to see it

  10. Please leave them in the rain forest . There cute but not meant to be a pet . Thats why all Anamails are going extinct. Leave them there please

  11. I agree. primates and all exotic animals should NOT be kept as pets. if you want to see one go to a zoo NOT a petshop.

  12. I agree they are quite cute... but they are really expensive its really not worth the money. I don't want them to go extinct.


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