Pink Lake Hillier in Australia

Mar 5, 2013

Lake Hillier is a pink-colored lake on Middle Island, the largest of the islands and islets that make up the Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia. From above the lake appears a solid bubble gum pink. It is such a significant distinguishing feature of the archipelago that air passengers often crane their necks to take a glimpse of it.

The lake is about 600 meters long, and is surrounded by a rim of sand and a dense woodland of paperbark and eucalyptus trees. A narrow strip of sand dunes covered by vegetation separates it to the north from the Southern Ocean.


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Unlike other pink lakes in the world like the one in Retba and the salt ponds at San Francisco Bay, the pink color of Lake Hillier has not been decisively proved, although it is speculated that the color could arise from a dye created by the organisms Dunaliella salina and Halobacteria. Another hypothesis is that the pink color is due to red halophilic bacteria in the salt crusts. That the color is not a trick of light can be proved by taking water from the lake in a container – the pink color can be found to be permanent.

One of the first evidence of Middle Island's pink lake dates back to the journals of Matthew Flinders, a British navigator and hydrographer in 1802. Flinders had climbed Middle Island's highest peak (now known as Flinders Peak) to survey the surrounding waters when he came across this remarkable pink lake. Except for a few years when salt extraction was being carried out here, the island and its pink lake has been almost untouched and has since then provide visitors with one of the most amazing view of the world's natural wonder.


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Sources: Wikipedia, A Guide to Asia


  1. It's like a pepto-bismol lake lmao nevertheless pretty cool

    1. i wish i had one in antigua i would go there everyday

    2. Dude... I wanna go. Are there any fishies? And are the fishies PINK?!

    3. Pepto-Bismol was exactly what I was thinking......that's the color my Mom painted the front door of their house!!! Pop was a very understanding man.............

  2. I wanna take a bath there!


    2. I'm with you! Why not take a dip? Saltwater is theraputic, and what an amazing experience to have! WOW!

    3. You did read that it will permanently stain a container if you take a down for trying new things....but id perfer not to be stained pink

    4. It won't stain you pink... The water is permanently pink, not the container used to collect it.

    5. Some folks just don't comprehend what they read, lol

    6. was't saying it stained the container.. stop being such a tool...

    7. "proved by taking water from the lake in a container – the pink color can be found to be permanent."

      It didn't stain the container. The water is permanently pink, and can be proved by taking a sample in a container duhhh. smh some people.

    8. what's that? stained perminantly pink you say???? AWWWW HELLL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    9. Dude... The water is permanent pink... Want go back blue, green, clear... Whatever... It want turn u pink... Or stain u pink... Just the water is permanently pink... By the bacteria and algae... Man...

    10. This is why many species eat their young. I hope you are incapable of procreation.

  3. While beautiful, this is not the only pink lake in the area. There is another island in the archipelago with a pink lake, though it is only about 60 feet in diameter. It has a lot deeper colour. Then there's Pink Lake in the town of Esperance which owes it's colour to some form of algae that has obviously died as it is no longer pink. I'm unsure about the others.

    1. There's one in Senegal called Lake Retba, as well. There, locals collect the salt from the bottom in little boats and sell it to be used in preserving food, like fish and other meats I presume. That one is pretty cool also.

    2. I just looked up "lake Retba", thanks for the info, it's just as beautiful as Lake Hillier

  4. Swag #yolo #obey #swag #supreme #pinkfriday

  5. hell yeaah i'd love to take a bath there;)

  6. Trippy asf i wouldn't go in that water. You may never know what's under that water.

  7. So beautiful from above but getting in? is to much scary.

  8. Are there any fish in it?

  9. that's a shame,they should bulldoze a deep trench from the lake to the ocean and then the pink water would eventually turn to something else. president Obama ought to do something to change that.JUST KIDDING.

  10. Is it the entire water area, or is it just the surface?

  11. Well is there any fish im this lake

  12. It's a see thorough pink once you actually walk up to it its not as deal and thick as the pictures

  13. I want to drop a boat in it and water ski!!

  14. whatever you do don't chew it

  15. Wooooowww
    It's a beautiful lake.

  16. Nice description! I have seen a lot of photos of this lake, but never read a good description about it. thanks for posting this article.

  17. Its only the creation of God just enjoy in this..Praise da Lord.

  18. the write up does not say anything about folks going for a swim there....or Australians pic niking there...maybe the lake is full of bacteria? Certainly is pretty but that unknown feeling I get isn't good!


  19. Awww it's so pretty

  20. YUMMY I WANNA drink

  21. There are 8 notable pink lakes in total! Lake Retba (Senegal), Hutt Lagoon (Australia), Pink Lake (Australia), Lake Hillier (Australia), Salina de Torrevieja (Spain), Dusty Rose Lake (Canada), Masazirgol or Masazir Lake (Azerbaijan) and Quairading Pink Lake (Australia).

  22. It looks like strawberry milk - which is so awesome!

  23. i wish i could go and swim it

  24. wow want to visit there !!!! also swim in it . I want to no what it tastes like ! bubble gum?! water melon?! candyfloss?!

  25. .. its so pretty i have also searched other pink lake but then it was the only one that is beauuuuuuuutiful and amazing and yummmy and delicious

  26. Do you think I can swim there?

  27. Such funny comments

  28. I want to go there and drink the PINK water!!


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