Beautiful Basalt Cliffs of Los Organos, Spain

Feb 3, 2013

Los Organos is located in the island of La Gomera, in the northern coast of Peru, about 15 minutes away from Mancora one of Spain's Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa. These spectacular rock formations are considered to be one of the most beautiful basalt formations on the Canary Islands. The slender cliffs rise up out of the sea to a height of 800 metres and a width of 200m. The pillars look very similar to organ pipes, and hence the name Los Organos. These are the remains of vast lava masses of a once powerful volcano. As the lava cooled down it crystalized into these hexagonal looking pillars. Over time, erosion exposed the rocks, forming them to a natural work of art. Because the cliffs drop steeply into the sea, the only way to see Los Organos in all their might, is by taking a boat tour.

Other basalt cliffs – Giant Causeway in Ireland and Fingal's Cave


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  1. Not sure about the Peru reference, but great post nonetheless. Really enjoyed my trip to La Gomera:

  2. Gomera is one of the Canary Island. Located in África´s north-west coast, close to Morocco or Western Sahara.

  3. Not sure at all. Los Organos is in island La Gomera, Canary Islands, SPAIN.
    Don't confuse with "Los Organos Beach", in the (far far away from Spain) northen coast of Peru.

  4. Apologies for the incorrect information. Got confused by two places with the same name. The article has been updated.


  5. I thought - after much research - that I knew about most basalt column sites in the world. Listed amazing ones in Turkey, Russia, Scotland, France (both there have waterfalls over them, Icaland, Japan, Namibia, etc... Even listed another one in the Canaries! Yet, I never heard of this one! Thank you!!!

  6. Whoa... Did some research after my comment above. Apparently, while most are columnar basalt, some, like the Devil's Tower in Wyoming, are instead columnar phonolite. So while they appear similar, their composition differs, although they are all volcanic in nature.


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