The Latest Chinese Beach Craze – Face-kini

Aug 21, 2012

A new kind of swimwear trend is sweeping the Chinese beaches in Qingdao in eastern China's Shandong province. As the weather get hotter, both men and women are seen appearing on the beaches wearing full body suits that cover from head to toe. The upper part of the swimsuit has a ski-mask with holes cut out at appropriate places to leave the eyes, nose and mouth exposed, giving the wearer an odd Lucha libre look. The Netizens are calling the swimwear "face-kinis”

The mask are a way for Chinese bathers to protect their skin from the sunburn, but it turns out that they are equally handy at repelling insects and jellyfish.


Unlike in western culture, women in Asian countries don’t like to get a tan particularly in the face. Tan is often seen as a connection to outdoor work and peasantry who toil in the sun. Fair skin, on the other hand, is associated with aristocracy and seen as a sign of feminine beauty unscathed by the indignities of manual labor. Preserving one's pale skin, which is an obsession across Asia, is encouraged in many Asian culture and cosmetic products that caters to this belief is a booming industry. Drugstore shelves across Asia bulge with rows of creams and cosmetic that promises natural-looking fair hue.

Facekinis started as a do-it-yourself garment that women made at home using scraps of fabric and a sewing machine, but now they can be found at swimwear shops for 15 to 25 yuan ($2.40 to $4.00) each.











[via NYTimes]


  1. No need to worry about unwelcome male pursuit at these beaches!

    1. lol, that's what i was thinking... how do they mingle?

    2. oh so you are from say... mars i suppose?

    3. there are more asians than non-asians. and chinese do not represent asians. since they are the majority in earth, maybe it is you who are from other planet?

    4. China Chinese also does not represent Malaysian Chinese.

    5. I am an asian and here in the Philippines getting tan is not a problem. I think these Chinese had lost their minds already, funny to see wearing those mask if you can use SUN BLOCK CREAMs rather. I think because of too much pollution on their land, they sun bright there became so immense and scorching for their skin. Well that are the Chinese, the pollution makers of this world.

    6. "chinese do no represent asians"? Not at all? Do you mean they don't represent all asians? So Chinese are....???
      And the majority live 'on earth' not in it.

    7. Perhaps they use lesser sun block so that the beach is not that polluted? haha~

    8. Btw they do not respresent Singapore Chinese too. Although there are many here trying to pretend to be Singapore Chinese.

    9. Apparently, Malaysian Chinese are as thin skinned as China Chinese. ;) No one cares.

    10. They can go nude and not be recognized!

    11. I happen to like the new style. Im gonna start wearing them in Socal but get designs like a lucha libre :P seriously who cares people. Its fun and funny to look at

    12. Racists should go to another planet, please, and lechers don't need to see her face anyway. But think of the crime spree - one of these and a hoodie and bank-tellers everywhere, here we come... Meanwhile, did anyone notice that hats have been quite effective for the last 100,000 years or so...

    13. why does everything has to do with nationality and identity? Can't you just laugh at it without judging and thinking too far? I'm Chinese, and I find this ridiculously funny too. As you can see, most people in the background are not wearing it. Don't generalize something to a whole race just because of a few random pictures you saw on the Internet. China is huge, with a lot of things going on. We surprise ourselves all the time.*shrug*

    14. Everybody here missed the Futurama reference.

    15. Please, this doesn't even represent the majority of China Chinese.

    16. Perfect ad at the bottom: "Meet Chinese Women"

    17. people think youre gonna rob a bank in socal if you wear that

    18. To the one who wrote.."Asians are like from a different planet." You must be a white western person? do you have problem with Asian? can i have your Facebook profile shit!

    19. Seriously, some of the comments here are just plain rude. It says it's a latest craze.. Didn't mention that it represents China or everyone in China is wearing it. Don't be so sensitive and to all the rude people out there, watch your language. If you want to defend your country/ asian community.. at least talk in a respectable way.

    20. haha diese Chinesen sind doch wirklich nicht normal :/

    21. population control at its best

  2. Certainly beats sunglasses in the papparazzi nuisance dept...

  3. Michael Jackson would have LOVED this!

    1. Michael Jackson would've loved the last picture.

    2. the last post... damn i have to laugh so hard...

    3. LOL I completely missed that until your comment.

  4. Great place for a wanted killer to hide!

  5. Yeah, the Chinese are getting fatter now that they all have cars! But in Japan where most people use the subway & trains and walk in between, everybody is still fit. I went there in August 2001 with 2 heavy friends. I was considered normal (here at 5'6 & 106lbs everybody tells me to eat when I'm already downing food all day...), and my friends got stared at openly! Someone even told me to help them lose weight before they die of a heart attack! Needless to say, I didn't translate that... But it's interesting that the Japanese make no fun, they are actually concerned instead.

    1. 'the Chinese are getting fatter now that they all have cars!'

      You think to think before you talk.

      If what you say is true, then the pop of China is 1,344,130,000, let's be fair and say every 4 persons owns a car, that's 336 million cars JUST for private use(that's 5 times more than the TOTAL number of cars in the USA), excluding the public transport, company owned cars, trucks for delivering intermodal containers, etc.

      So yes, you are a f---ing retard.

    2. There are many factors that contribute to weight gain including the increasing number of North American fast food joints opening up in countries that have not been exposed to it in the past.

    3. dude, 5'6 and 106lbs is really really skinny.... if u were my gf I'd encourage you to eat tons of cake and shit(jk, healthy food). You might have problems having kids if you're underweight.

    4. Just because she is 5'6 and 106lbs doesn't make her unhealthy. I am the same size only I weigh 110lbs and I am perfectly healthy with a perfectly fine menstrual cycle. Just because you are thin doesn't mean you will have problems conceiving, some people are just naturally thin :)

    5. Not so much a car problem, but wealth related. Understand that historically, China's masses had a nutrition problem (among other challenges) in large part driven by wealth levels. The well-to-do were "normal" sized while the less fortunate were thin (and probably healthier). Increased wealth = increased consumption = increased size. My dad was teased by his older relatives for not doing well--my mom is tiny by nature. And those of us born in the US often chuckle about the standard phone greeting from our grandparents: "Did you eat yet?"

    6. After viewing Amanda's portfolio I'll vouch she looks very healthy - and HOT!

      Amanda- I wish you success in your modeling career. You are beautiful.


      Robert in Hawaii

    7. Why is this thin person a girl? I was picturing a thin Japanese boy, personally.

    8. Wait--since when did people start comparing the Japanese and the Chinese? Jeez. They're different types of people, so no need to favor one over the other--it's like comparing insects to mammoths. Besides, who was the one that lost in WW2?

  6. Replies
    1. actually thats koreans.....

    2. It isn't *from* waygook, it is from "guk" in Hanguk, etc.

    3. "guk" in Korean means country. It's the "Han" in the Korean word "Hanguk" that means Korean.

  7. Sunblock lotion only effective for about an hour. Don't last long. Too much trouble to put it on all the time. Sunblock lotion does not give a pleasant feeling to skin. I personally hate sunblock lotion. I go hiking a lot. I feel sticky to have sunblock on my face after I swear. I just wear UPF long sleeves shirts and long pants to go hiking. More effective than sunblock.

  8. If you ate bugs too, your skins will become like this.

    1. That's Thai retard....

    2. Actually Koreans and Chinese also eat bugs. Be careful that you know all your facts before you start calling people names.


    4. What do bugs have to do with this? Oh wait, maybe they ate your brain.

  9. Really hope they don't bring this into Hong Kong!!!!

    1. so what? they won't affect you and the beach is not yours, so they can wear whatever they want i suppose.

  10. Obviously fake as no one in the background has got them on!

  11. Just don't go to the beach. No sun stay at home.

    1. agree! just stay out of the sun! what's the point of getting out.

  12. people who cared about their looks won't put that mask on... common sense.

  13. I don't believe these pictures were taken on the earth. They must be brought from the outer space, they are obviously aliens!

  14. Sunblock only blocks UV rays. You are still going to get a tan from sitting in the sun. I am Asian and I thought if I wore sunblock, I wouldn't get a tan. Nope, it turned out that I was wrong!

  15. They will have tanned marks on the eyes, nose and mouth after removing the mask.....heee..looking more weird....

  16. how do you know how old they are? you cant see them -.-

  17. Just to avoid getting their brown paper bags wet.

  18. I can't help laughing when I see this :-) :-)

  19. Is that raw sewage they're swimming in?

  20. This article has nothing to do with body image. Why in the world would you feel the need to bring it up.

  21. Hey guys, so yeah this article and everyone's talking about tanning/not tanning with respects to looks/beauty/etc, but lets look at it another way: tanning is retarded because it needlessly increases skin cancer risk. Want your vitamin D conversion? you don't need to tan to do that dumb dumb. Anyways, thats all.
    -a Chinese-ass mothaf**ka

    1. I'd rather enjoy my life and not spend it worrying about whether what I'm doing might cause cancer and or make my skin age faster.


  23. did anyone else happen to notice the little kid with her chonies half way to the ground in the last pic?

    1. Yes. I was wondering what she was doing.

  24. To each his own. Not sure what the big deal is.

  25. Huh? Because it's so much more socially acceptable to look like a common, bank robbing, criminal or S&M slave than a bronzed goddess "peasant" with an awesome tan.

    I mean.... bring out the gimp!

    45+ sunblock, applied once every few hours. dermatologist checkups every 6 months or immediately if something looks odd. get it together people.

    1. To them...bronzed does not equate to goddess. To each their own, who cares. It's different and hey...they will look half their age for most their lives...can't say the same of you or those goddesses you're speaking of....

  26. You guys made a mistake. This is the Super Hero Beach!

  27. I saw sth similar in Korea, was amazed...but true, many Asians still consider pale skin "beauty", Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, but a lot of the younger generation appreciate healthy tan so I say its a pretty gd balance

    1. Did you read the article you keep posting? Because it's specifically talking about tanning salons and the tanning industry-.

    2. Nothing healthy about a tan.

  28. Because that's all the world cares about these days.

  29. No one even come close to catching up w the americans, you have to buy mutiple seats to fly for the love of god,

  30. i'm asian too, i would get a tan only if i use SPF under 30, anything higher, i won't get a tan. think chinese people don't like their skin getting dark.

  31. Sun tan is from UV rays. If you use sunscreen and you still get a tan, you either not using it properly (not reapplying) or not using the right suncreen. UV-A gives you the tan. Most sunscreen and the SPF number are for blocking UV-B only. You need a sunscreen that blocks both UV-A and UV-B.

  32. does anyone notice the last picture with the woman with an animal print swim suit, why is the little girl in the back naked with her panties at her knees?

    1. lol - yea, i noticed. she doesn't seem concerned about the sun.

  33. just be done with it and put a big bloody roof over the beaches

  34. In Asia a pale white skin indicates that one does not have to work in the fields under a broiling sun that tans your skin deep brown.It is a status symbol!

  35. Pussy Riot invading Chinese beaches!

  36. Yes...everyone knows how sunblock works......the point is this facekini thing looks incredibly stupid and is uneccesary. If you're so concerned about the face of this individual then why do they have the rest of their bodies exposed?? Know it all....

  37. Anonymous 1: How many times can you use "I" in one paragraph?? Lame..

  38. I said before that Chinese people were aliens but no one believed me :(

    1. Who are you to judge. Ppl who sow discord and are racist are the lowest of low. Yeah so what if you have coloured hair coloured eyes? Get a brain

    2. know to may easily be the alien. Just because some people have different cultures and styles and trends and beliefs doesn't make them an alien. We're a diverse world that is getting smaller every day due to technology, we should embrace and enjoy the different ideas and cultures. Otherwise we'd live in a very boring little homogenized bubble of a world and to that I say no thank you

  39. Looks like a pro wrestling tryout camp...

  40. I see this in a variety of ways. From someone who burns because of being light-skinned, I see why this is being done. However, it's pointless of the entire body isn't protected. I wouldn't want to sweat to death. Additionally, with the horror in the world, I think this would be too scary to be around because you have no idea who's around at that point by being all covered up like that. I vote sunblock, hats amd sunglasses!

  41. What's up with all the water wings?

  42. Why not just wear a hat?

  43. Are they fatties? Then How about Americans? I have seen double size Americans everywhere..

  44. And this thread is now completely off topic with "I hate fat people" comments... because there is nothing better to do on the internet for the people posting above.

  45. This is not about body image. It's about elitism & social status predjudice.

  46. Use Burkas ? :-)

  47. I bet it reduces the risk of skin cancer. It also lets them be themselves without having to put on for others. I like it and appreciate the first comment about not having to worry about men objectifying them for their looks.

  48. I don't want this to come across as racist, but I can't tell any of them apart.

  49. Asians don't like going dark cause they are pretty much racist

  50. •do they not end up with a tan around the eyes and mouth?
    •I don't like sitting in the sun and especially do not like getting I stay away from the beach....what is so appealing about the beach if you are not going for the sunbathing?
    •Why not have pagodas or parasols etc..

    Basically why would you opt to look like united colours of benneton does klu klux klan

  51. Very attractive!

  52. DIY waterboarding kit...?

  53. i guess Umbrella's aren't an option o.0

  54. So many retards on here and the internet itself...I rest my case, and go have an ice-cream.

  55. Bring out the Swimp!

  56. In Mexico, that would be "Playa del Luchadores".

  57. Animal Planet was right mermaids do exist

  58. Here's a batshit crazy about judging the stuff they do for beauty we look at our own cultures fucked up practices (yeah the Chinese wear these odd swimsuits, at least they won't get skin cancer, unlike north American women who'll all have skin cancer by the time they're 30 because they think tans are awesome)who gives a shit what other people wear or do aside from deadbeats on the internet with nothing better going on in their lives but getting mad about another cultures fashion trends

    1. "Fashion Trend" that's an oxymoron when used in this scenario.

  59. diferent culture , diferent point of vew , diferent way of resolving problems

  60. Now we know what happened to Brian Williams.

  61. Asian...they are very sick!!!

  62. All cultures have there very own sicknesses, and often these perversions are caused by socio-economic stereotypes. In the case of most Asians - fair skinned people being more affluent etc
    If dark skinned people were the most affluent and technologically advanced than our thinking would be influenced by association.

  63. I'm sure that wearing sunblock is allot more comfortable than wearing these masks.
    There are 100% sunblocks that are white in appearance so you'd have that porcelain white face look and block the sun at the same time. These masks elicit all sorts of strange imagery associations and certainly would influence the behavior of folks who wear them just as all masks do.

  64. somehow I do not see this taking off in Brazil .... lol

  65. I have heard said, "Never put anything on your skin that you cannot put in your mouth." Sunscreen has been said to be unhealthy. Besides, it doesn't protect from the aging caused by sun and these suits do. :)

  66. Oh look, people in another culture are doing something I'm not used to. Guess I'll go ahead and look down on them for it!!

  67. They would have to make the Hole for the mouth WAY bigger in America lol

  68. Did anyone else see those pictures, read this article and thought man all those Chinese are wearing face masks to the beach... hahha thats freaky! Then looked at the pictures a little more and realized it was like max 8-10 elderly and EVERYONE ELSE! on the beach seen in the blurred out background was pretty normal about not wearing this ridiculous crap on their face. Personally, I'm a Chinese born Canadian and I also don't like getting a tan cause I'll look like a south american at some point. I can see how the older Chinese folks have very specific ideas for their skin and it does stem from cultural beliefs but this does not seem like it should qualify as a new Chinese craze the article is making it out to be. Traditional Chinese folks don't like to get tans and they'll whatever they have to in order to avoid it. At the same time, 8 people at a beach wearing a silly mask does not make it the latest craze.

  69. Who cares what anybody does as long as they are happy. A lot of Asians where I live wear respiratory masks when they go outside and I think they have the right idea there. I have done it too at times if I have to take the bus and there's something going around. There's a lot of obsession over people covering their faces. A lot of Indian women cover their faces too. Who really cares? Who really wants you to care about this and get all upset and excited? Probably the people who installed and continue to install the cameras EVERYWHERE to monitor you. They don't like people covering their faces and they want you to hate it and get mad at it or at the very least think it looks ridiculous and make fun of it. These people don't care what they look like, obviously, and why should they anyway? You wouldn't know it was them at the beach in a mask if you saw them in the mall without it on. Ask yourself why your first reaction to something like this is to either get upset about it or make fun of it. You have been programed. Most younger children would think they all look really cool. Like superheroes or luchadores something like that.

    1. The most lucid comment of this thread. You are so right on! Such ignorance and hate out there.

    2. I totally agree. Great there are still lucid and unprejudiced people out there commenting

  70. Are they normal or something disturb them to live like other people?

    1. The are just as normal as you. Are you normal?


  72. It is really creepy to read these posts and see how ignorant, ethnocentric and racist we still are.

    1. Agreed. Makes me sad for us as a species in general.

  73. the chinese from PRC have the worst behaviour. they can shit anywhere they want, they can talk loudly anywhere they want and they can even sue good saints who wanted to help them like in traffic accidents.

  74. If so concerned about the sun, why is the rest of the body uncovered?

  75. Only MAINLAND chinese people are capable of thinking and doing these ridiculous stuff.

    1. I guess, you are from Hong Kong? Or Taiwan?

  76. Chill people, they're just about to get ready to rob a bank. Where else would it be than the Chinese beach to practice their mad bank robbing skills? :P

  77. 1. I want one of these for myself! 2. If you do not like it - don't. You also do not need to show your stupidity by calling other people "idiots" or lecturing them on what You think They should do. 3. If I had one of these, (full suit and the mask) -- I, too would go to the beach! So far I don't, as I am 50, looking like 28, because I NEVER GO INTO THE SUN. 4. Notice they all are middle-aged? These are the only people who got some sense. FINALLY. 5. You will get it, too, at some point, or ... not.

  78. I am having fun reading all the comments. If we scrutinize ppl for their choices, weren't we all - in one way or another fight for individuality? Fashion can both be a sore or a comfort to the eyes of the beholder...but who gets to who are watching...or them who are wearing it. Let's all have a good laugh!!!

  79. I'm I the only one who sees the child with the pants falling down on the last picture. They need to take that down its just wrong!

  80. Bruce Garrod eats this shit a wagon wheel

  81. Lucha libre in China F%*K Yeah

  82. seriously, that's funny... hehehehe..

  83. Maybe they are acid burn victims (from their husbands thinking they are too ugly in the first place).

  84. haha i blame the hentai kamen

  85. I think someone from the Middle East needs to set up a "Tugba" shop in Eastern China. The Burqini would do well here.

  86. Well... for me the funniest thing about this is.. since you don't put sunblock on your face.. what happens if you get sunburned while wearing the mask? You get a face tan line? you will probably look like a Panda with a tanned eyes, tanned nose and tanned lips... ;))


    1. "Getting tanned is just a way for the gov to control the people"?! ERRRR riiiiiight. And what country are you from that's run by a gov with nothing else better to do than bother about propaganda on skin colour and tanning of all things? -.-
      By the way, "who wants black skin? it's not nice"... what of people who are naturally dark? Moron.

  88. To the first person who replied here: Don''t swear if it makes you feel sticky!

  89. It would be really scare when hundreds of them coming swimming at you, and you can only see there heads ;-)

  90. This is a good idea for protecting the skin, but I would suggest a more aesthetically pleasing design.

  91. arent asians usually thin?!?!?!!

  92. apposed to what? "Normal" people of Caucasian decent? Just because they have different trends, styles, cultural preferences than what you may be used to doesn't mean that your "white" people are any less wacky. Believe me, I'm sure there are plenty of things "whites" do that are just as weird to other cultures

  93. Wow. Racism is alive and well. You sound like an uneducated Nazi. Watch out though because at this rate your kind will be the ones going extinct...we're all going to end up mixed as a human race, most likely everyone in the future will be part Asian you do realize that right?

  94. looks like a bondage mask lol,

  95. Wow. So....what about the rest of the human races that also live on the earth and reproduce and eat the food that comes from the sea or land for that matter? At least Asians tend to use or eat all parts of the animals they kill, more than I can say for some who think innards and the likes are "gross" and just toss them away

  96. Part of ignorance and insanity or all ???

  97. they just dont wanna get Tan skin,they think tan skin is ugly. its just like u guys think tan skin is beatiful. its normal

  98. No need to cut so big the eye hole for them to see . A slit would be more than enough .

  99. why we just let them do what makes them comfy and pretty ahaha, get a life and live like no body cares. :D

  100. Did anyone else notice the kid with the swimsuit around there knees? Bottom pic. LOL

  101. They're all going to look so pretty with suntan from the eye holes.

  102. They walk among us .....

  103. tanZ out...spring breakerZ in

  104. Wow! An alternative to the age old question....

    Paper or plastic?

  105. Everyone needs to just chillax and agree... this is hilarious


  107. that young girl with her pants falling off in the last picture

  108. Have a fkn cry ya wanker would like to see what you look like

  109. Can you say.....WEEETAAAARDED!!!!!

  110. then they will look like you x3

  111. by just looking at their eyes'nose'lips it truly shows how ugly the chinese race can be. for theres no hair or other skin features such as cheekbones or contouring to hide them.

  112. Did you guys notice that those wearing masks are all middle aged women? It is not a sun block or a beach fashion...It is just primarily used to protect face being stung by jellyfish.

  113. helig skit, give me a swedish beach any day

  114. Got to find a beach that Swedes like

  115. It is due to their obsession with fair sin color..!!!

  116. Good, who wants to see their ugly faces and bodies anyhow. The more they cover the better.

  117. I am concerned why the last picture is posted with a naked little girl in it? Does that count as child pornography?

  118. why are the eye holes circles if the eyes of the people are more in the shape of a slit

  119. Personally never going in the sun so that you can look 28 when you are 50 seems pretty extreme, but I guess it's your life.
    I, however, will go in the sun as much as I want and enjoy it. I don't care one bit even if it makes me look 50 by the time I'm 28.

  120. I lived in China for 2 years. The facekini reflects something about Chinese people that most of the world neglects. Chinese people are extremely health conscious and with global warming continuing to be a problem the facekini is probably an idea we will see more of not less.

  121. yea, fair skin is really a big issue among Asian girl. Most comment i get from my aunts, neighbors, friends, who didn't see me for long is "hey! you are tanned than before!".... who cares...

  122. Just look at Youtube for evidence of white people wackiness.

  123. You may be right that America is made of immigrants but however the education in America with the whites don't believe that. Take example of the Miss America, the beautiful indian woman was criticized for not being white and being a Miss America.

  124. "Radies and genterman, wourd you prease wercome... PUSSY LIOT!"

    In addition to our wealth, and status as 'world leader', it's nice to see the Chinese are apparently usurping American obesity, ass swell. How's that 'rice-with-every-meal' working for you now, Madam Butterfry?! :)

  125. noticed that only uglos do that, yep uglos

  126. Wow! What a race. Do they take returns?

  127. Beautiful beaches, wonderful people, fantastic culture. Please visit your ancestors and stay with them - forever.

  128. There's a Japanese cosmetic company that as I type this is being sued for millions of bucks. Seems there skin whitener worked a little too well and all these people are showing up with PERMANENT white blotches on their faces and bodies. But then again how many articles do you see about the tens of thousands of Scandinavians who head to the south of Europe and Asia and oil up their bodies and lie out in the sun all day so they looknice and dark. Again it comes down to showing off wealth. They can go home to Sweden in February with a tan that says they can afford to take a couple months off work and go traveling. Not much different than the Asian lily white skinned person showing off that they don't have to work outdoors or they're not peasant farmers.

  129. No way, you mean Asian ladies are doing this? I don't believe it. I can't see the Asian lady that walks around with clown paint on her face, gloves and umbrella in my neighborhood ever doing anything so risky. Look at all the sun that can get in the eye holes.
    God forbid, we are all going to get old and die. Stop being overly neurotic and live your life already.


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