Ultra Realistic Wood Sculptures by Randall Rosenthal

Sep 8, 2010

Randall Rosenthal is an amazing artist who creates incredible wooden sculptures. His wood creations are so realistic and so detailed that it is very easy to be mistaken. Look at this image below. It’s not paper.

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The interesting thing about these realistic looking sculptures is the fact that these are hand carved from just one block of wood. Using trompe l'oeil painting techniques, Randall Rosenthal makes his works look just like the real thing, by creating a three dimensional reality. In his shows, he usually allows only just one of his sculptures to be touched; while the rest are left for guessing whether they are also made of wood. His sculpture called "Lunch Money" took six weeks to carve and another six to paint. It was later sold for 25.000$.

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The Making

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[via Crooked Brains]


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