Brussels' Flower Carpet

Aug 15, 2010

The Brussels' Flower Carpet is a special event that comes every two years. During this event a huge carpet of flower is laid out on the main square in Brussels in front of the City Hall. The festivities started on the evening of August 12 and the flower carpet was opened for public view on August 13 and will remain open till August 15. The viewing is free, but if you want a better view, you can pay 3 Euros to go up one of the buildings to get a panoramic view. Nearly 700,000 flowers were used to make this year’s carpet.

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  1. this is worth a trip to Europe if 4 nothing else

  2. "Assim ele torna inativas as mãos de todos os homens, para que reconheçam as obras dele. E as alimárias entram e ficam nas sujas cavernas. De suas recâmaras sai o pé-de-vento e, dos ventos do norte, o frio. Pelo sopro de Deus se da a geada, e as largas águas se congelam." Jó 37.7-10
    "Quem lhe pôs as medidas, se é que o sabes? Ou quem estendeu sobre ela o cordel? Sobre que estão fundadas as suas bases ou quem lhe assentou a pedra angular, quando as estrelas da alva, juntas alegremente cantavam, e rejubilavam todos os filhos de Deus?
    Ou quem encerrou o mar com portas, quando irrompeu da madre; quando eu lhe pus as nuvens por vestidura e a escuridão por fraldas?Jó 38.5-9

  3. As beautiful as the flowers are, I couldn't help but be drawn to the efforts tourists were going to in order to get a good shot of them. Scaling buildings with all manner of cameras and equipment. We're a dedicated species eh?


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