Salmon Spawning at Kuril Lake in Kamchatka

Jul 12, 2010

The Kamchatka Peninsula is a 1,250-kilometer long peninsula in the Russian Far East. It lies between the Pacific Ocean to the east and the Sea of Okhotsk to the west.

Kamchatka contains probably the world's greatest diversity of salmonid fish, including all six species of anadromous Pacific salmon (chinook, chum, coho, seema, pink, and sockeye). Biologists estimate that a sixth to a quarter of all Pacific salmon originates in Kamchatka. Kuril Lake is recognized as the biggest spawning-ground for sockeye in Eurasia. In response to pressure from poaching and to worldwide decreases in salmon stocks, some 24,000 square kilometers (9,300 sq mi) along nine of the more productive salmon rivers are in the process of being set aside as a nature preserve.

Sockeye salmon and bear

Sockeye enters the Severnaya River on Kuril Lake to spawn/n
South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>South Kamchatka Sanctuary; Kuril Lake; Kamchatka; sockeye; salmon; spawn

Some of the salmon rushing to spawn are thrown to shore where they become easy prey for seagulls and bears/n
South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>Oncorhynchus nerka; South Kamchatka Sanctuary; Kamchatka; Kuril Lake; sockeye; salmon; spawning

When sockeye rush spawning rivers in large number, the fish push each other out of the water/n
South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>Oncorhynchus nerka; South Kamchatka Sanctuary; Kamchatka; Kuril Lake; sockeye; salmon; spawning

Sockeye spawning in a river/n
South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>Oncorhynchus nerka; South Kamchatka Sanctuary; Kamchatka; Kuril Lake; sockeye; salmon; spawning

A sockeye darts from a bear by jumping into the air/n
South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>South Kamchatka Sanctuary; sockeye; Kamchatka; bear; Kuril Lake; salmon; spawning

Bears have a good time during the spawning season.

Bear and sockeye/n
South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>South Kamchatka Sanctuary; Kuril Lake; Kamchatka; bear; salmon; sockeye; spawning

Bear jumping after a fish/n
South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>South Kamchatka Sanctuary; bear; salmon; spawning; Kuril Lake; sockeye; Kamchatka

Fishing lesson Медвежонок пытается поймать лосося

A mother's treat

Predator and prey/n
South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>South Kamchatka Sanctuary; sockeye; Kamchatka; bear; Kuril Lake; salmon; spawning

Bear troika/n
South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>South Kamchatka Sanctuary; bear; Kamchatka; Kuril Lake; salmon; sockeye; spawning

salmon-bear (6)

Two sockeye dinner Медведица поймала 2 нерки

Bear supper/n
South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>South Kamchatka Sanctuary; sockeye; Kamchatka; bear; Kuril Lake; salmon; spawning; roe

South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>South Kamchatka Sanctuary; Kuril Lake; Kamchatka; bear; salmopn; spawning

A bear with hoards of spawning sockeye/n
South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>South Kamchatka Sanctuary; sockeye; Kamchatka; bear; Kuril Lake; salmon

Two bear families meet on the shores of Kuril Lake/n
South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>South Kamchatka Sanctuary; Kamchatka; bear; salmon; Kuril Lake 

[via Shpilenok]


  1. Someday in my life time, I'll love to fish in Russia.....

  2. These are wonderful photos--really amazing. Who is the photographer??


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