Knitted Dissection: Biology Meets Art

Jul 18, 2010

Knitted Dissections brings back memories from high school Biology classes without the gross smell of formaldehyde and bloated bodies. These cute little frogs and rats were made by knitting artist CraftyHedgehog and are available for sell over at CraftyHedgehog didn’t just end at frogs and rats. He took dissection even further and now creates dissected fetal pigs, Easter bunny and even alligators.

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These amusing little amphibian comes pinned into an actual aluminum dissection tray filled with black wax. The animals are not glued to the tray but pined down like in actually biology classes, so you can take them out and inspect the work on both sides.

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  1. This is a nice alternative to live animals. It can be used in a biology class without worrying of the smell and the fear of some students.


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