Junction Valley Railroad: World’s Largest Quarter-Sized Railroad

May 6, 2016

The Junction Valley Railroad in Bridgeport, Michigan, United States, is a model railroad but not the tabletop variety we are familiar with. Built at the scale of 1:4, this 600-ton behemoth is the world’s largest quarter-sized railroad. It has real diesel engines, albeit scaled-down in size, but strong enough to pull steel cars and real human passengers over a 5% gradient. As Lionel.com writes, Junction Valley Railroad is “too small to be considered a commercial railroad and too large to be thought of as a model railroad.”


Photo credit: www.railroadmichigan.com

Built an operated by William A. Stenger  and his family, Junction Valley Railroad features more than four miles of track, 16 railroad bridges, including the only diamond crossing trestle in existence, 865 feet of trestle and bridges, and a tunnel over 100 feet long. The railroad has a complete blocking and crossing signal system with over 60 operating track switches. There is also a ten-stall roundhouse complete with an operating turntable that serves the railroads nine fully-equipped engines. Over 75 cars of all types and sizes are available, some of which can be comfortably ridden by visitors.


Photo credit: www.jvrailroad.com


Photo credit: www.jvrailroad.com


Photo credit: www.mlive.com


Photo credit: metalheadrailfan/Deviantart.com


Photo credit: www.railroadmichigan.com


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