The Rocking Horses of Lincoln

Oct 3, 2015

In the town of Lincoln, in the US state of Massachusetts, off Old Sudbury Road, is a patch of deserted farmland where people keep mysteriously leaving old rocking horses. Some are made of wood, some plastic with rusted springs and broken legs. The first horse is believed to have appeared in 2010, when two kids put up a lemonade stand to make a quick buck in the summer. The kids went away but left the horses behind. Others say that it started with a single headless horseman that was put up as part of a Halloween show. In any case, the first horse began attracting others and the collection grew. By the most recent count, there were 42.


Photo credit: Boston Globe

Strange enough, the herd keep changing position frequently and unexpectedly, but who moves them is a mystery. During the Kentucky Derby, someone placed the horses in rows as if they were racing. At Christmas time, they are wrapped in holiday lights. Once, they were arranged in a circle as if it’s a carousel.

The rocking horses have become a local attraction of some sort. Drivers would pull over to take pictures with the horses. Some people have started calling them “Ponyhenge”.


Photo credit: Boston Globe


Photo credit: Boston Globe


Photo credit: Boston Globe


Photo credit: Boston Globe


Photo credit: Boston Globe


Photo credit: Boston Globe


Photo credit: Boston Globe


Photo credit: Boston Globe


Photo credit: Boston Globe

via Boston Globe and Urban Ghost Media


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