Bainbridge Rocks of Galapagos Islands

Mar 5, 2014

The Bainbridge Rocks are a group of small rocky islets off the southeastern coast of Santiago Island, in Galápagos Archipelago. One of these islet is a volcanic crater, composed of compacted volcanic ash. Sea water had permeated the walls of this eroded crater, forming a stunning turquoise colored salt-water lake that attract large flocks of flamingoes.

The Galapagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic islands close to the equator in the Pacific Ocean, about 1,000 km from the South American continent and part of Ecuador. The extreme isolation of the islands and the surrounding marine reserve, located at the confluence of three ocean currents, has led to the development of unusual animal life and vast number of endemic species that piqued the interest of Charles Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle in 1835. His observations of the flora and fauna on Galapagos Islands led him to develop the famed theory of evolution by natural selection.


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  1. Beautiful pictures. Well done except for one part. Evolution is no longer considered a "theory".

  2. Nice photos Kaushik !! I Guess Evolution is considered as Theory in fact it is one of the most revolutionary theories in science. Charles Darwin visited Galapagos Islands during his famous voyage in 1831. He did research on animal species like tortoise and finches and came up with the Theory Of Evolution. in honor of his work Ecuador Government gave his name to en Island. you can refer :

  3. Just remember relativity as also a theory. :) "Theory" has a different meaning in terms of science.

    1. Relativity is a theory, it is not scientific fact, yet.


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