The Tiny Fishing Community on Migingo Island

Jan 9, 2014

Migingo is a tiny rock island, less than half-an-acre or about half the size of a football field, located in Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa and the largest tropical lake in the world. Although tiny in size, the island is home to 131 people (according to 2009 census) living in crammed huts made of corrugated sheets and wood. Despite shabby living conditions, Migingo Island boasts of five bars, a beauty salon, a pharmacy as well as several hotels and numerous brothels.

Most of island’s inhabitants are fishermen and fish traders. The first to arrive were two Kenyan fishermen, Dalmas Tembo and George Kibebe, who claimed to have settled there in 1991. At that time, the island was covered with weeds and infested with birds and snakes. They were later joined by 60 members of their fishing group who followed after receiving information that the area was rich with Nile Perch. Subsequently, other fishermen from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania came to the island turning it into a thriving commercial center.


Photo by Jesco Denzel

The island is a beehive of activities as more than 100 boats bring in their catch every morning for weighing and sale to buyers. After being bought by fish processing firms they are transported to the Kenyan mainland, from where it’s exported to the European Union and beyond. The coveted Nile Perch is central to a multi-million dollar fishing industry vital for the economy of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.

The rich stock of Nile Perch in the waters around Migingo Island has lead to territorial dispute between the two countries – Uganda and Kenya, both of which lay claim to the island. Technically, Migingo Island belongs to Kenya, being inside the country’s international border and is also marked so on maps and official documents. In 2009, the Ugandan government claimed that Migingo Island is in Ugandan waters and that it is therefore illegal for Kenyans to fish there.

Trouble started when pirates first heard that fishermen were making $300 a day, which was approximately three or four times what many people in East Africa earn in an entire month on dry land, they flocked to the island and stole fish, cash and engines. The fishermen called upon their governments for help in 2009 with the Ugandans being first to respond by sending maritime police. Upon arrival, the Ugandans raised their flag and slowly began to exploit the fishermen who had made their home on the tiny island. Entry permits and taxes were introduced on fishermen that hoped to cash in on the newly discovered fishing grounds. Boats and fishing nets belonging to Kenyan fishermen are regularly confiscated by Ugandan forces for fishing on Uganda’s territorial waters.

The ownership dispute is yet to be resolved.


Interestingly, there is a much larger island called Usingo just 200 meters to the east of Migingo Island that remains uninhabited. Photo credit: unknown


Photo by Andrew Mcleish


Photo by Jesco Denzel


Photo by Jesco Denzel


Photo by Jesco Denzel


Photo by Andrew Mcleish


Photo by Andrew Mcleish


Photo by Andrew Mcleish

Sources: Wikipedia, Daily Mail, Uganda radio Network, Daily Nation


  1. I am really curious how they get electricity over there? Is it just run on generators?

    1. They forgot to discuss some of the practical aspects of dense living on a 1/2 acre island, and electricity in only one of interesting infrastructure questions;
      1. Where do they dispose of all processed fish by-products?
      2. Where does all the human excrement go?
      3. Garbage collection?
      Ok, so we're all betting it gets thrown into the lake--thereby perhaps tainting these fertile fishing grounds?

      What kind of magic/voodoo spell/curse was cast on the larger nearby island that no one wants to live there?

      I appreciate the photos and the information, but now I want to understand more.

    2. Well, since we're talking about Kenya, the answer to all your questions is the lake...

  2. No pictures of the brothels?

  3. I'm curious why no one lives on the other island.

  4. There's one guy living on the big island, he needs the whole place to himself. Damned 1%.

  5. I'm pretty sure the brothels are not that nice.

  6. why is the other island uninhabited?

  7. I want to build a boat Island in international water just like that. With an Air strip and all.

  8. I'm imagining that as an ad hoc Human settlement after a zombie apocalypse brought down society!

  9. From where did you get that brothel "fact"? Do you read your sources?

    1. The "fact" is on Wikipedia, which itself cites "The Independent" as their source. So yes, we so read our sources.

  10. but the other Island looks so green and healthy why dont they go over there?

    1. Incline among other issues that cannot be resolve without heavy machinery..

  11. It was"infested" with Snakes and Birds ... in other words,. a natural paradise without human interference .

  12. I want to be a pirate....

  13. You're welcome to go kill them yourself, as that is the logical extent of your careless comment. But please, follow your own advice and never reproduce.

  14. It is funny that the claim by the Ugandan govt. is not solved, why cant the 2 gvnts solve this first.

    Ok, the question as to why the other island not inhabited is that it is just mysterious that there are no fish around it, but the inhabits only go for fish, very sweet, very nutritious living things.

  15. According to a documentary on RT the other island isn't inhabited because there is no security provided there, but there is security provision on the small island. I imagine it's only a matter of time before some arrangement is made.

  16. I want to build a house on the other island, but I would need to buy a tank first, to protect it. Spend all day sitting in my tank and drinking. Maybe order take-out from the brothel across the water. That would be the life!

  17. amazing, but i also confusing, why they not move to larger island? in many develop country social condition like this is usual


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