Where the Namib Desert meets the Sea

Apr 9, 2013

The Southern Namib desert is home to some of the tallest and most spectacular dunes of the world, ranging in color from pink to vivid orange. These dunes continue right to the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. The cold waters of the sea brushing against the dunes of the Namib desert is one of the most surreal sights.

While the sea coast extends for hundreds of miles, one of the best places to see these dunes is at Swakopmund. Known as Swakop in Namibia, it is the country's biggest coastal town and a mecca for Namibians on holiday. The city's German origins are quite pronounced in beautiful old German Colonial buildings throughout the city, making an even starker contrast for this town sitting at the edge of the Namib Desert.

From here, helicopter ride is available that flies you around the Skeleton Coast and the Namib desert in general.


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  1. The namib desert is by far the most epic place I have ever visited. There's something about Deserts that just makes you feel so insignificant, but at the same time so at peace. Recently found this awesome article on the Namib, with beautiful photos: http://peregrinemag.com/desert-calling-negotiating-the-edge-of-existence-in-the-namib/

  2. all these beauties are made by almighty ALLAH

    1. Nahhhhh he doesn't exist

    2. Mate,yeah he does.

    3. Dunes are made by wind and sand, not an imaginary being.

    4. if it cannot be proven or disproved, is it really imaginary?

    5. Allah created the wind and the sand?

  3. if dunes are made by wind and sand, who created the wind and the sand and who created the sea? do you think its another big bang as they lied to us in our primary and secondary school days, why haven't you have dunes next to your house with the amount of wind and sand surrounding you. There is a God who owns the universe and he created everything in it, including you and I, and that is why humans do not life forever on earth but in paradise. You do not lose a thing by believing it now and it doesn't exist when you die than not to believe and find yourself in a lake of everlasting fire at the end of age. God bless you all.

    1. Belief in something is not a conscious choice, and this is not a sermon. Can't you just let people enjoy spectacular photos without forcing half-baked religious ideas down their throats?

    2. And to Amy anonymous, just bc there's a God doesn't mean there wasn't a big bang." In the 1st day God created light" bang!

  4. No dear dont mind it if some one tell you something. ..we are all humans...we should love each other and not hate.
    Coz life is so shot....I beg for apology if u disliked some ones comments. ..Regards

  5. If God is supposed to be perfect why would he or she create anything as imperfect and for lack of a better word as fucked up as us humans are. Why would he or she create something that's broken to begin with and then give us a book on how to be the way he or she should have originally created us? Seriously though think about it, if you were perfect at everything why would you ever make something that wasn't perfect? Either we are a experiment gone wrong and probably a desk ornament on God's desk he occasionally looks at to see if anything has changed or the big bang theory. There is also aliens if you want to throw that in the mix too.

    1. Bc God gave us free will? If we let evil corrupt us , it's a test u failed from God. If u pray to God to make u stronger, ur not going to wake up one day lookin like me (lol sry a lil humor loosen it up a lil) he's going to give u difficult situations to overcome to make us stronger. God doesn't serve us, we serve him so if ppl dnt show their love and appreciation, he doesn't force himself on u like this speech I'm having is lol

  6. There's also pretty substantial evidence backing evolution. . . But what do we know anyways in our highly limited understanding of anything in our universe, we're only human

  7. Why would God create something imperfect? He did not. He created everything in a state that perfectly reflected His Person and nothing contradicted Him. That is, everything was in full accord with reality as it is in God. Everything from the constitution and interaction of the quantum particles of the universe to the systems - such as the water cycle - that make life possible on earth... everything functioned according to God's perfect design. The first verse of Genesis states, "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." Or, as it was originally written, "b;reshith bara Elohim eth hashamaim w:eth hararetz." Thus, the very first verse of Scripture reveals the time ("in the beginning"), space (the heaven or shamaim), and matter ("earth") interrelationship of the universe and reveals the great wisdom behind, say, the fascinating relationship fruit trees share with bees.
    If, then, everything was/is perfectly designed by the infinite, all-wise God, how can man be so "messed up"? The same way that anything can be "messed up": by going contrary to what it was designed to do. Toyota or Ford would be blameless if their cars did not run when we poured water down our gas tanks, because they did not design their cars to run on water. Just so, man's violations of God's design and subsequent harm/destruction are not to be blamed on God. Rather, the destructiveness of man's ways ought to make him turn back to the only One who can deliver him from himself. "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble."
    Further, God made a way for man to escape a life of perpetual violations by sending the Savior into the world. As He Himself said, "I am come to seek and to save that which is lost."

    1. you say that like its the truth. but its just coming from your faithful mind. why does god want people to be faithful to him? if he is so powerful and perfect, does it matter what we think of him? or is it the people that created religion, needs us to be faithful instead?

    2. how can you get there? can you only get there by plane? or boat? where does all that sand come from?

  8. seriously guys come on... we all know it was the sand fairies

  9. wait, so who created god?

    1. humans did

      WHOOOOAAAA that's deep man

  10. so God, we dont know where he came from, suddenly, the being with the most amazing highest power decided to created a bunch of things on earth, left, and is coming back and save people that he thinks are good and are faithful to him or her?

    1. god touched me in my special place and it was amazing

    2. where did he touch you? A prist doesn't equal to god you know

    3. wait, i'll show you... lemme send you a pic

  11. come on don't know what you're talking about
    here. maybe you should try
    and learn a bit about religion. you can't just
    play around and talk rubbish
    with these things, they are real.
    my friend told me one that it's all
    balls, but he was wrong.

    1. what are you talking about?
      do you believe in god?
      they say you'll be saved
      taste the bread of heaven and join us!
      like jesus you will be saved :)

    2. eat the bread and
      it will make you strong
      and full. it's not fair if
      everyone gets to go to heaven
      swallow your doubts and be faithful

    3. i am one with the lord.
      have you heard his message?
      a saviour has come. there is no point
      raging against the lord. as
      hard as it might seem, you need to have faith. only then can you go
      on to heaven

  12. Beautiful. I want to get there.

  13. I have looked at the pictures and still don't see any skeletons. Did they go to heaven?

  14. how can there be a desert right next to an ocean?? wouldnt the water evaporate and rain down in the desert??


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